Världskulturmuseet/The Museum of World Culture strives to ensure ease of access for all our visitors.
- In the auditorium (The Studio) there is a hearing loop and other facilities for hearing impaired visitors.
- All floor levels are accessible via lift. However, certain wheelchairs, those models with extended footrests, may have problems. Please contact the personnel in the reception who would be pleased to help you.
A wheelchair is available for use in the museum.
- Disabled toilet facilities are to be found on floor levels 2 and 3.
- Specially adapted visits:
Please contact us with your enquiries concerning visits for persons with special needs.
- Guide dogs are permitted.
- Visitors with cognitive or physical impairments and their assistants have free admission to the museum. The assistant must have a valid EU Disability Card.
Mobility Service (Färdtjänst)
Visitor address: Södra vägen 54
Would you like more information before your visit? Please contact the museum on
tel: +46 (0)10-456 11 79 or send an e-mail to: info@varldskulturmuseet.se
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