Child in Together


Explore, learn and play!

Together is an exhibition about how both wonderful and difficult it is to be with others. In a world of caves, mountains and rainbows we invite children and adults to explore and experience hand in hand. Contemporary issues are reflected in more than 1000 objects from the museum's collections. An exhibition that challenges both body, heart and brain!

About the exhibition Together

Together is a playful exhibition that changes. It will be a part of the Museum of World Culture for many years. Together is about the wonders and the difficulties of living together. Based on objects in the museum's collections, the exhibition raises relevant questions for the target audience children 0–12 years with adults. Here, children and adults explore together and play and learn with their body, heart and brain.

What is Together about?

Together focuses on the children's questions. How is it to miss someone? When do I fit into the group? Is it just silly to fight or do we sometimes need to? The different parts of the exhibition allow children and adults to deal with every-day feelings in a playful and pedagogic way. The exhibition has one foot in our time and one in the museum's collection of objects. Over 1,000 objects and their stories have been selected to reflect today's issues.

Theme and adjustment for different ages

The exhibition room is an unknown landscape to explore together, and is made up of places and clearings with different character and temperatures. There are seven permanent themes: Fit in, Understanding each other, Living together, Agree to disagree, Being without, Move it!, Music and At home. Parts of the content in these themes will be changed annually or gradually. The exhibition has different activities thought to work for different age groups – for the youngest there are exciting surfaces to touch, soft couches and resting areas, and large play sculptures to climb on. Children around six years can practice insights about facial expressions by playing charades and board games. For the eldest, there are different strategies for conflict resolution. And some activities suit all ages – like the room with dances from all over the world.


The exhibition is produced to make sure that wheelchair users experience the same enjoyment as others. The texts are adjusted for dyslexics. 

Visit the exhibition digitally

You can visit the exhibition digitally here.

Learn more about the different themes in the exhibition