Exhibition image

Democracy does not exist – we make it!

An exhibition about the importance of democratic engagement.

Democratic engagement can come in many shapes and forms. In this exhibition, you will encounter people's personal democracy stories and objects as a series of immersions in time and space. Each person featured in the exhibition has chosen an object that symbolizes democratic engagement for them.

The exhibition is not "finished" - but it will change over time. We will collect more objects and stories as we go along, and there are opportunities for you as a visitor to contribute. We want the stories and perspectives to multiply.  

The exhibition is based on research from the V-Dem Institute, measuring the state of democracy in the world. Their research shows that the survival of democracy depends on people being active and holding their governments to account when democracy is being restricted. Democracy cannot be taken for granted. It cannot survive without people getting involved.

Democracy doesn't exist - we make it! is aimed at a general public but is also part of a more comprehensive democracy initiative for schools. The exhibition is produced with the support of the Swedish National Heritage Board and in cooperation with Varieties of Democracy and European Alternatives.